Sunny days are back so time to wash Swann, but since her 3 years Swann don't really like the shower time and it was always the war but with a lot of work, now I can wash all the body correctly.
Friday 25th May was the first big wash of the season and this time I used this products:

- Shampoo & Conditioner ABSORBINE, it's the same sent of the Showsheen maine & tail and I really like this sent, that is a good point and I don't needed to use a lot of product because I had a lot of foam the first application, and the result is really nice, Swann was shiny, soft and the maine & tail was great too.
- Silky maine & tail NAF Equine, good product, unfortunately I don't like the Lavender sent (for all products), so the bottle is soon finished, for the next detangler I hesit with the Absorbine I like or discovred a new brand detangler ...
- Shower brush (purple), a brush side and the other side is little pin, it's really great for a good wash and massage the horse during this time.
- Glove (pink), for wash the face with the microfiber side and the "caterpilar" side is for the foam but I don't use for the face.
- Pink flowers thing for remove the excess water after the shower.
- Microfiber towel, for dry the maine, tail and the members after the shower.
That all for this first shower of the season, I have a lot of shampoo but the ABSORBINE will be my favorite in all points because of the sent and efficacious.
My others horse shampoo:
- Gallop black horse Carr & Day & Martin.
- Blueberry black horse by Officinalis. (not tested yet)
- Protective (anti-fly) by Officinalis.